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Creator Voices: Carol de Mauro

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Welcome to our new series, “Creator Voices,” where we interview Creators to learn more about how they’ve grown, their approach to content, and the fun, helpful tips they’ve picked up along the way.

We spoke to Carol de Mauro, a Miami-based Creator who posts about family, travel, style, and more. Her pointers for home decor, DIY, and hosting should not be missed! 

What’s your best piece of advice for Creators who are just getting started?

Even though there are a lot of Creators, there’s only one you! You don’t have to worry about being just one more because you will always find your space.

What’s one challenging aspect of being a Creator that you wish more people talked about?

The pressure to create content all the time. When you’re a creative person, even on your days off you’re always planning a photoshoot, a Reel, a TikTok.

Do you ever get stuck in a creative rut? If so, how do you manage it?

All. The. Time! There’s just SO MUCH content out there nowadays, and it’s easy to feel like you’re not doing enough, and therefore get creatively burned out

In moments like this I like to disconnect a bit from social media and try to find inspiration elsewhere! My own wardrobe, street style, the products that I’m loving, my routine, the places I go to, etc.

What’s your secret to setting boundaries between your “online life” and your “real,” personal life?

I try to be vulnerable and share my highs and lows, but I also believe that there are things related to my family and my marriage that are too private to be shared on my social media.

What’s your favorite topic to post about and why? 

I’m torn between fashion and motherhood! 

I love putting together outfits, incorporating new trends, and having fun with clothes, but ever since I became a mom it’s been amazing to share my own perspective and my personal experiences with my audience.

What are the products your followers see you talk about the most?

Either my Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay-in-Place foundation or my T3 Curling Iron. Two products I swear by.

What’s something other Creators should know before securing their first brand partnership?

Focus on high quality content and building a community of people who love their content.

What’s your favorite campaign to date and why? 

My Banana Republic Baby campaign. It was such a dream come true to work with a brand that I love so much, and even more special because I got to do it with my baby. 

We wore matching outfits, took pictures at a beautiful place in Miami, and had an amazing time.

What does your dream collaboration look like? What kind of content would you create?

My dream collaboration would be to partner with a big brand to create a fashion / lifestyle collection.

It could be Nordstrom, Target, JCPenney, etc. I would promote the collection throughout the year and help with the product selection and design.  

If money were no object and you could move to any city in the world for as long as you wanted, where would you go?

New York! Preferably a brownstone close to Central Park. Is it too much to ask? Haha!

We need your restaurant recommendations! What’s the coolest new restaurant/bar/hotspot (and in what city) that you keep going back to?

My absolute favorite restaurant in my city (the sunny Miami) is Mandolin Aegean Bistro! Fresh, delicious Mediterranean food and an amazing laid-back environment.

Learn more about Carol de Mauro by following @caroldemauro.